- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Quality Assurance techniques
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutics
Scheme of Teaching and Examination
The Scheme of Teaching and Examination of M. Pharm. First, Second, Third and
Fourth Semester shall be as follows
The duration of M. Pharm course is of two years consisting of four semesters. Each semester is of six months duration.
Grant of terms
The candidate will be granted a term provided he/ she has satisfactorily completed the prescribed course of study & has kept 75% attendance for theory & practical ( wherever applicable ) separately for each subject. Similarly the student will have to keep 75% attendance for guest lectures, Seminars, Group Discussions, Journal Club activities etc.
The candidate for M. Pharmacy course will have to give seminars in each semester. The topics for the seminars during First, Second, Third Semester & Fourth Semester will be as under:
First Semester: Seminar topics to be selected from the paper of specialization
Second Semester: Seminar topics to be selected from the paper of specialization
Third Semester: Seminar on introduction of dissertation.
Fourth Semester: Seminar will be on entire work of dissertation.
Standard of passing
A candidate for the degree of Master of Pharmacy will have to pass M. Pharm. First Semester, M. Pharm Second Semester, M. Pharm. Third Semester and Fourth Semester Examination, after keeping terms as laid down:
To Pass M. Pharm First Semester as well as Second Examination, the candidate must obtain minimum 50% marks separately in theory and in practical
( including internal assessment), provided he/she must obtain minimum 40% marks in University theory examination & 45% in practical examination. Further, the candidate must secure minimum ‘B’ grade in the seminars of First, Second & Third Semesters.
To Pass M. Pharma. Fourth Semester Examination, candidate must obtain 50% of the total marks for dissertation and Viva-voce on dissertation i.e. the candidate must secure at least 100 marks out of 200 for dissertation & 50% marks out of 100 for Viva-voce on dissertation. M. Pharm. First and Second Semester Examinations will be held twice a year.
Internal Assessment
The College / institute will conduct one Internal Examination of 20 marks for Theory and practical (wherever applicable) during first and Second Semester to assess the performance of the students.
A.T.K.T/ Backlog
A candidate can proceed from M.Pharm First Semester to M.Pharm Second Semester, irrespective of the number of subjects in which he/she has failed. A candidate allowed to proceed from M. Pharm Second Semester to M. Pharm Third Semester, irrespective of the number of subjects in which he/she has failed in the First and Second Semester. A candidate is also allowed to continue his/her dissertation irrespective of the subjects he/she has failed in first, second and Third Semester, however overall result of M.Pharm. Examination will be considered as fail until he/ she has pass the M.Pharm First, Second, Third Semester Examinations.
A Candidate who has failed to pass M. Pharm Fourth Semester examination is required to keep minimum one fresh Semester and can reappear for the examination after submitting the revised dissertation, if necessary, on submission of a new application and payment of fresh fee for the examination.